Some of the stories I have to share would take pages and pages to tell every detail, while others really are short, that I hope you don’t miss the miraculous behind it. But everything written here is a testimony to God’s goodness and faithfulness, and just simply, my realization of it! All glory and praise to you God! What He has done for me, He has done for you! Amen
I’ve received healing of many other things and I am still battling some things. These aren’t the only ways to receive your healing, deliverance or answers to prayer, but I’ve listed these as just some of the testimonies of what I have experienced. I think it’s important to share also, that I have had “faith failures” in these areas-“trying to accomplish my healing” by praising, by praying and doing all these “acts” trying to get myself in “enough faith“ to receive the healing. God’s kind of faith never fails, so if you are not receiving your healing, deliverance or anything else you are believing for, you may need to consider whether you are really in faith or not. None of us is perfect, but strengthen your faith before you get into a crisis, practice it on small things first before you need it for something big, and always keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith!
There are so many factors that could hinder our faith to receive: unbelief/doubt, wrong teaching, fear, condemnation, guilt or even pressure to “get healed” can get in the way of our receiving.
But when we focus on the truth-our right standing with God, his goodness, his promises, His love; all finished works because of what Jesus did on our behalf, it drives out fear and doubt. It takes the emphasis off of what “we need to do” to receive. Expect it, and know it will happen, because of who God is! That’s faith! But our motivation should not be to move God or even rig our faith so to speak. It’s not about us; it’s about Him and what He’s done.
Stay in the Word, and remember God has already healed, delivered, prospered and blessed you. Just receive!