My Testimonies

Is it God’s will to heal?

Many people have the question of whether God can or will heal them.  Maybe He is using the sickness to teach them something, maybe He has some divine purpose we just can’t understand for letting it go on.  We even think to ourselves we can’t know God’s will.  Not understanding God’s grace toward healing keeps many from receiving; but we can emphatically know the answer!

Let me ask the question this way.  First, is it up to God whether we CAN be physically healed?  YES

And He has given us the answer in His word, praise God!

But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed Isaiah 53:5

Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases psalm 103:2-3

Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. 1 peter 2:24

We’ve established that it is His will that we receive healing in our physical bodies.  Just as Jesus demonstrated the Father’s will during His earthly ministry, Jesus provided healing for us in his atonement.

It is God’s will to heal, every person of every sickness and disease every time!  He’s already given it 2000 years ago.

But is it up to God whether we receive His healing provision? NO

Healing is no more automatic than our salvation.  We saw in the previous scriptures that we’ve been forgiven of our sins, but we know that while every person has been forgiven, we only receive the gift of forgiveness if we accept it by faith.  Not everyone is saved.  All of the benefits of our salvation come the same way.  God has given us healing for our bodies as much as He has forgiven our sins, but we have to receive it by faith.  If we don’t, we will do without.

God wants all of His children to come to the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, and He wants His children well!  This has always been His will and He never changes His mind.  Praise God!

Put your hope in God

Emotional/psychological sicknesses

Using your body as a weapon

Physical injuries

Praise-perfected faith

Healing of sickness

Small but not insignificant

Healing of an eye allergy

Believers authority

Healing of a Cyst

The Keys to Experiencing God
In this video, I want to stir you up to the realization that you can experience the presence of God.  His life is hidden for us, not from us. But you have to understand the keys to see this operating in your life.  I share 3 testimonies of how putting these keys into practice, I have experienced God’s supernatural presence.
Supernatural peace        Supernatural healing
Supernatural desires

Testimony of restoration

Supernatural peace and relationship

A Puppy Story

Healing of excitability urination

Ori's Healing

Healing of intestinal blockage

Expectation is the key

Physical and emotional healing