Faith, Healing, Relationship

My healing confession

Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we also believe, and so we also speak, 2 Cor. 4:13

I BELIEVE IT, SO I SPEAK IT.  I believe you have healed me.  Thank you Jesus for taking all of my sicknesses and disease. I am healed, delivered and set free.  It’s a now reality. 

What next?  In the time between receiving healing in my heart (as a done deal) and seeing it manifest into the physical, I trust God.  What does that look like?  I continue to trust His Word that I AM healed.

The devil will try everything he knows to steal what Jesus purchased and secured on my behalf.  He does this by trying to make me waiver in God’s faithfulness. He wants to convince me that I don’t already have health and wholeness through the finished works of the cross, that God won’t give it to me, or that I have to try to believe harder to get it to manifest.  These are his lies meant to move me out of my position of knowing that I know God has promised it and Jesus has given it.  (See Galatians 3:13).  It’s a free gift, I can simply take it.

Technically, it’s not a battle of fighting the devil.  The battle is to stand against his wiles (lies, schemes), and the only way to do that is to hold on to the truth.  I am healthy and whole!  It’s already who I am.  I fight the lies with the truth!  I put more emphasis on God’s TRUTH, and less on the devil’s lies.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24

So it’s a fight to hold on to my confidence in God’s word. I know the truth of God’s word trumps the facts.  Therefore, the problem has to submit to it.  And whatever I’m experiencing contrary to that truth, I know is only trying to cause me to waiver from it, and to believe and respond otherwise. So I don’t give in.  I remind myself of God’s promise and that healing is already done in Christ.  God loves me so much that He sent His son to deliver me from this present evil world.

My response to the pressure: Submit to God, and resist the devil (see James 4:7).  To the best of my ability I live like I am healed and whole.  Because I believe it is the truth, I resist the lies of the symptoms, others’ negative confessions, and any adverse reports. Those might be facts in the natural, I’m not denying that, but the enemy is trying to force me out of my secured position in Christ, (the healed). I don’t have to accept his lies.  Every sickness and disease is a result of the curse, and I’ve been delivered from the curse and I have a new life in Christ! Praise God!

For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son Colossians 1:13.

Personal note: Something that has helped me is to realize it’s not my job to get the symptoms/sickness to stop.   I dwell in God’s presence consistently through reading His Word, prayer and thanksgiving.  As I do that, my trust becomes stronger and stronger until I know that I know I have healing.  Once that confidence gets birthed in my heart, I continue to abide in His presence.  That faith is the bridge which reaches into the Spirit and brings the manifestation of healing into the natural. In abiding, I stay in a secure and powerful place of trust, as I listen for how the Spirit of God prompts me to respond.  It might be with a quiet confidence that stays consistent, or a strong shout declaring victory; The Holy Spirit sometimes compels me to speak aggressively against the problem until it stops, (knowing it will, not trying to get it to stop), and other times, to simply hold onto my peace by praying in the spirit during the storm of pain or sickness.  But whatever it is, it is a response of faith.  Not a formula.  The most important thing I’ve realized is that this is a fight of faith. Whether I believe God is trustworthy.

So hold onto your faith in God! 


The Expressions of His Grace