Identity, Relationship, Salvation

Life Re-imagined

What if you weren’t put here by accident, without purpose or a destiny?   Imagine life defined and meant to be lived through the lens of God’s Word, the creator of all things.

You have an identity

It begins with love.  Love Himself created you.  Whether your parents knew you were coming, wanted you, or loved you has no bearing on your identity.  God did.  He saw you before you were formed in your mother’s womb.  He knew you, loved you, and gave you an identity.  His beloved.  His child. Heir of Salvation.

And this leads you into His purpose for you.

You have a purpose

Everything about God is about goodness, abundance, and multiplication.  He wants His glory (every part of Himself) revealed to you.  Therefore, He’s created you with the purpose of experiencing Him intimately, and sharing Himself with others, through you. It is the commission He gave humanity from the beginning, to fill the earth with his goodness, and to bring the Kingdom of God into it.

By His grace, you have been given everything you need to live life abundantly and above the corruption of the world. He’s given you His power and the authority to do this.  You are equipped to overcome, succeed, and bear fruit that remains.  You have the privilege and purpose to view life through the Lens of God’s Word (the only Truth) and show the world they can too.

As a victorious child of God with the temporal assignment of bringing the Kingdom of God to the Earth, your destiny is assured, but not fulfilled until you enter eternity.

You have a destiny

Once you leave this life, you will join the Lord and be with Him forever.  Then one day this earth will be swallowed up and there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth. Your destiny will be to experience God’s glory for all eternity. There will never again be the temptations of sin, sickness, fear, or death. God’s love will be all that remains.

Seeing this bigger picture, the TRUTH according to God’s Word, I pray that you open your heart to submit to it.  Surrender your life (how you see it) and exchange it for the one God has planned for you.  Get to know your Heavenly Father who loves you.  Trust Him and choose to live your life according to His Word.  Learn who you are in Christ, and walk out your purpose with hope and faith.  You are more than you think, and you can do more than you’ve imagined, and you are loved infinitely more than you know!  Will you believe it?