For many years I wore ‘brown’ shades of eyeliner on my eyes. Suddenly, it seemed every time I put the liner on my eyes, they would water and burn. I thought maybe it was the specific brand I was using and tried several others, even hypoallergenic brands, with the same results. Any liner with brown in it had the same effect. Products I used to use were now burning my eyes. So I stopped wearing eyeliners with any brown coloring. No big deal right?
I hadn’t seen it as something that I should believe for healing of, or at least important enough to; I mean it was cosmetic…would it even be vanity to want to receive supernatural healing for it? But when I saw it from ‘was this issue good or was it bad?’ I saw that no matter how insignificant it was, it was still against God’s design for life. Why should I be limited by this?
Allergy - a reaction by your immune system to something that does not bother most other people.
We’re not supposed to have allergies!!! It’s against God’s design of our bodies; whether it is an attack of something insignificant or life- threatening.
Everything that works against us or the life God intends on us having is a result of sin. Sin is the root, sickness, loss, corruption, allergies, etc. are the fruit of it.
So while it wasn’t a ‘big deal’ it wasn’t acceptable to me anymore.
If you’re dealing with something that you see as maybe just bothersome but tolerable, even a minor inconvenience, don’t feel condemned for having it or even allowing it. However, God loves us so much He has offered freedom from anything that steals kills or destroys (John 10:10). He doesn’t want us to have to ‘deal’ with anything that does not promote life in our bodies.
My main point in sharing this testimony is that it doesn’t matter how little the issue might seem, we can be free from it, because God has already provided for it, in Jesus!!! So after many months of limiting the kind of makeup I chose to use, one day I just decided I don’t want to deal with it anymore. I spoke to my eyes, commanded any allergy/irritation to be gone, and began wearing every brown shadow, liner, etc. I wanted, with no more burning or itching! Praise God!
A side note: if it doesn’t matter to you, or you see it as ‘no problem’, you will not have confidence or expectancy for healing. If you’re dealing with something that is relatively minor, this is a good time to step out in faith with expectancy to overcome! If you begin standing on the Word of God with something that isn’t massive, and exercise your faith, it will increase your capacity to believe for something more significant in the future. Thank God He’s already promised it!