Faith, Relationship

Engage the Word of God

I was thinking about how important it is for us to engage God’s word.  What do I mean by that?

The dictionary defines ‘engage’ as: to participate or become involved in

How do we do that?

It begins with hearing or reading.  But James tells us in the book of James not to be a hearer only, but a doer (James 1:22).  And surely engaging, participating and being involved is more than just knowing what the Word says.

Heb. 4:12   “For the word of God is living and active…”

Some translations say living and powerful!

God’s Word is alive, right now!  It is full of life, active and has power, amen.

We’re not engaging lifeless words on a page, but the eternal words of the creator of the universe!

When we think of Salvation, it is the WORD of salvation that we heard and engaged by believing!  When that happened, we became born-again of the Spirit of God.  His Spirit came to live in us and changed us.  That’s the power and effectiveness of God’s word when we engage it!! God’s Word, whether it be for healing, deliverance, prosperity, your identity in Christ, the love of God for you….needs to be engaged!

His Words are as alive and are spoken to us right now as much as when they were written.  When we hear the Word of God, we have the opportunity to participate in it, and become involved with it-to engage it.  When you read the stories in the Gospels, How would you respond if Jesus was speaking those words to you? Would you respond to Him?  Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) The next time you hear the word being preached, or read, don’t just listen, but engage God through that word!  Experience the life giving power of it.

Questions to help you know if you are engaging the Word of God

  1. Do I understand the meaning of what is being said?
  2. Do I see this word as a word specifically for me?
  3. How can I apply this word to my life?
  4. What is my response to God about that word?
  5. Am I meditating on that word after I have read it?

If you don’t understanding what is being said, do a small word study by looking that word up and seeing what the Greek/Hebrew meaning is or other scriptures where this word is being used.  Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding and show you how that word can be applicable to you.  Be expectant that God will speak to you through His Word and continue to meditate on it afterward.  Engage God through His word!  Build your relationship with God by what He says!  And Respond.