Faith, Healing, Relationship

Disassociate – The Ability to See from God’s Point of View

One thing that has helped me in my healing journeys is disassociation.  What do I mean by that?  Not pretending the problem isn’t real or doesn’t exist, but seeing myself separate from the sickness.  I will explain this more.  In doing that, it frees me to be able to ‘see’ the spiritual reality of what Jesus did to set me free from it.  I don’t ‘have’ this sickness.  It isn’t mine.  It is not who I am.

The power in disassociation is understanding the exchanged life Jesus gave us. In death, he took our sin.  In His resurrection, He made us righteous.  He took death and all the result of it in His own body so that we could have His life. And that includes physical healing.   It’s the great exchange ratified in His blood.  We now have the right to be whole, in every area of our lives, through His death and resurrection.  As citizens of Heaven, we are in this world, but not of it.  The more you understand your new identity in Christ, the easier it will be to walk in your authority over sickness that Jesus has given you.

Luke 10:19 amp Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.

What if there was a bug on your arm.  You would automatically swat him off; you wouldn’t think for a minute that because it is on you, that you have to let him stay!  Even if it were a serpent or scorpion, something even more alarming, would that change anything?  No, you would do the same!  You’d be aggressive in getting it off of you and probably even more so.

Likewise, you might have symptoms, pain, etc. in your body.  But those are no more than the bite of a gnat.  I am not belittling the struggle of those symptoms. They are very real.   I understand, I’ve been there. However, just because you have evidence in or on your body that there is a sickness, that doesn’t mean it’s yours or that you have to let it stay, any more than the gnat on your arm!  Just because the enemy comes against you with a sickness, even something as big as cancer, doesn’t mean you have to take it!  It’s not yours.  It might be on you, in you, oppressing you, but it’s no more yours than the scorpion.  And God has given you the ability in Christ to be free.

1 Peter 2:24 amp He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross [willingly offering Himself on it, as on an altar of sacrifice], so that we might die to sin [becoming immune from the penalty and power of sin] and live for righteousness; for by His wounds you [who believe] have been healed.

Jesus took it so you wouldn’t have to, praise God!

I believe being able to disassociate from the sickness, especially long term or chronic issues, is the first thing we need to do to be able to stand against it.  If you see it as ‘yours,’ taking ownership of the sickness it will be difficult for you to truly see what Jesus did as already accomplished at the same time.  If healing is something you have to ‘get,’ you’ll put the responsibility on you, and fall short every time.  It’s this understanding that Jesus already took it, before the devil even tempted you with it, which allows you to separate yourself from the sickness or disease.  It’s NOT yours!  You are already beginning from a place of victory; health is already part of your identity.  One thing this does for me is take the pressure off of me to ‘get’ healed.  It puts my attention on the truth that by Jesus’ stripes, I have ALREADY been healed, and I just need to believe that, and take my authority that has been given to me in Jesus’ name to swat that bug, and confidence to expect all the symptoms to leave my body.

The ability to disassociate from it always stems from relationship, not mental assent.   So, our confidence is in God.  We can trust what He has said about Jesus and about us.   It always begins with first knowing God’s love for you, and understanding how complete Jesus’ sacrifice was on your behalf.  It’s really about coming to the realization that you can be healed, because it’s not about you, it’s about what God did for you.  Faith in God’s grace.

Jesus said in Mark 11:22-24, Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.  “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

We have Jesus’ authority in this earth, but it comes from having faith in God!  Speaking faith is not a method; it is a response of our confidence in God and His Word to us!  Praise God, You will begin to ‘disassociate’ from whatever is standing in your way (the mountain) of the abundant life Jesus came to give you when you know God and His love for you.

I want to encourage you to practice God’s presence in your life every day.  Throughout your day.  Don’t compartmentalize your relationship with Him.  Make time for Him and you’ll begin to know Him and faith will come.