If something isn’t important at all to you, how much weight does it carry or how much do you concern yourself with it? If something is moderately important to you, how much weight does it carry or how much do you concern yourself with it? If something is extremely important to you, how much weight …
Category: Relationship
Are you Listening?
Listening or being able to hear God is directly connected to your expectation to hear. Christians often throw prayers up to the heavens hoping God will hear and respond. James 1:5-7 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given …
Life Re-imagined
What if you weren’t put here by accident, without purpose or a destiny? Imagine life defined and meant to be lived through the lens of God’s Word, the creator of all things. You have an identity It begins with love. Love Himself created you. Whether your parents knew you were coming, wanted you, or loved …
Walking in the realities of the Kingdom of God
You have to truly want it enough to pursue it. One minister says, if you can live without it, you will. How important is it to you? Not necessarily how desperate, though we’re often slothful until we are. Faith and sensitivity to God’s Spirit is only nurtured in the right environment; through the truths of …
What is our Purpose?
What do you want out of life? Is that your purpose? I would say NO. Most of us have been told to strive for a life that fits a particular mold. Whether that is marriage, career, financial success, etc. assuming that in those, we will find our purpose. I’m not saying that those aren’t good …
My healing confession
Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we also believe, and so we also speak, 2 Cor. 4:13 I BELIEVE IT, SO I SPEAK IT. I believe you have healed me. Thank you Jesus for taking all of my sicknesses and disease. …
Disassociate – The Ability to See from God’s Point of View
One thing that has helped me in my healing journeys is disassociation. What do I mean by that? Not pretending the problem isn’t real or doesn’t exist, but seeing myself separate from the sickness. I will explain this more. In doing that, it frees me to be able to ‘see’ the spiritual reality of what …
Engage the Word of God
I was thinking about how important it is for us to engage God’s word. What do I mean by that? The dictionary defines ‘engage’ as: to participate or become involved in How do we do that? It begins with hearing or reading. But James tells us in the book of James not to be a …
How Do You Relate?
How do you relate? When you relate to God are you looking at your performance or at your identity? Is it what you do (“I try to be the best person I can be”) or your position in Him where you find your security? I’m not judging you, but we do need to judge ourselves. …
Experiencing the fullness of God
So often Christians talk about being ‘full’ of God. What does it mean? “…to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:19 For years I wondered what exactly it meant to be full of God; and how does it happen? I was already …