Category: Faith

Faith, Healing, Relationship

Disassociate – The Ability to See from God’s Point of View

One thing that has helped me in my healing journeys is disassociation.  What do I mean by that?  Not pretending the problem isn’t real or doesn’t exist, but seeing myself separate from the sickness.  I will explain this more.  In doing that, it frees me to be able to ‘see’ the spiritual reality of what …

Eternal Life, Faith, Uncategorized

Does faith merely know there is a God?

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, [for he who comes to God must believe that He is}, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Brackets mine) For years I have read the second part of that verse, and wondered why it would say you must believe he exists?  Isn’t that a …

Faith, Trust

Expectation: The key to receiving

What are you expecting? If you’re expecting nothing, THAT is what you will get.  Why? Expectation=Faith No expectation=No faith Some think it is inappropriate to expect something from God.  Even sacrilegious.  So let’s look at what faith is to help us understand biblical expectation. What is faith?  The Bible defines faith in Hebrews 11:1 “Now …

Faith, Sovereignty

Names of God – His nature character and will revealed

We’ve all heard these quoted from the Bible. The Lord is my provider The lord is my healer The lord is my peace…and many more are revealed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. But do we believe it? Let’s take one.  The Lord is my Provider (Jehovah Jireh –Hebrew) You might say …