Faith for Today

The just live by faith in God’s provision
The just live by faith in God’s provision
  • Expectation is a greater measure of your faith than your knowledge is.
  • Faith relates to God through the born-again spirit not the flesh
  • Faith believes in the goodness of God
  • Grace provides, faith receives
  • Faith takes God at His Word irrespective
  • Faith produces perfect peace, because its confidence is in the God of peace.
  • Faith sees what God sees.
  • Faith is the language of God.
  • Faith relates to what’s true in the spirit more than the natural.
  • Faith works by knowing God’s love.
  • Faith doesn’t waver at the promises of God.
  • Faith has an attitude, but an attitude isn’t faith.
  • Faith pleases God
  • Faith is not hoping God can, it’s knowing He will.
  • Faith is taking what you believe and acting as though it is reality.
  • Faith is stepping into what you’ve already been given.
  • Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and faith seeks His ways.
  • Faith pleases God
  • Faith is taking what you believe and acting as though it is a reality.
  • Faith has an attitude, but an attitude isn’t faith.
  • Faith works by knowing and believing God’s love.
  • Faith is the bridge to God’s grace.
  • Faith begins where the will of God is known.
  • Faith is a matter of the heart not the mind.
  • Faith is alive, you have to feed it daily or it will get weak.
  • Faith is our positive response to what God has already provided by His grace.
  • Faith sees God’s Word as truth over the circumstance.
  • It is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance.