
Healing, Relationship

Walking in the realities of the Kingdom of God

You have to truly want it enough to pursue it.  One minister says, if you can live without it, you will. How important is it to you?  Not necessarily how desperate, though we’re often slothful until we are.  Faith and sensitivity to God’s Spirit is only nurtured in the right environment; through the truths of …


Changing your perspective for healing: How do you see yourself?

Sometimes we focus too much on the ‘right’ words and not the correct perspective.  For example, our confession according to God’s word should be “I am healed!” However, if those words don’t cause you to ‘see’ yourself well, they’ll do you no good (even worse, if saying them draws your attention towards the sickness and …

Healing, Identity

Are you the well resisting sickness or the sick trying to be healed?

Seeing your identity through the lens of God’s Word part 1 You may know that it is God’s will for you to be well.  That is the starting point.  But, if you see it as I’m still sick trying to get healed, or I’m healed (the circumstance dictating your position), you’ll always be going back …

Faith, Healing, Relationship

Disassociate – The Ability to See from God’s Point of View

One thing that has helped me in my healing journeys is disassociation.  What do I mean by that?  Not pretending the problem isn’t real or doesn’t exist, but seeing myself separate from the sickness.  I will explain this more.  In doing that, it frees me to be able to ‘see’ the spiritual reality of what …